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  • Senior formals taken in July 

  • Gather pictures for Senior Ad


Visit colleges together. If you haven't already, make plans to check out the colleges your child is interested in.




Encourage your child to get started on applications. He or she can get the easy stuff out of the way now by filling in as much required information on college applications as possible.


Help your child decide about applying early, If your senior is set on goin to a certain college, he or she should think about whether applying early is a good option. Now is the time to decide because early applications are usually due in November Read about pros and cons of applying early.


Go to college websites and look at requirements, deadlines, and scholarship information. 


Register for the SAT/ACT. Your senior should have taken the PSAT by now, and already have taken their 1st SAT/ACT exam.


  • Senior Ads and pictures are due for the yearbook December 1st!

  • Gather items/pictures for senior table


Continue the college search. Stay in touch with admissions counselors at colleges to which you have applied, making sure they have received all necessary aplication materials.


Retake the SAT/ACT one more time. 


Apply for financial aid. Have our child contact the financial aid office at the colleges he/she has applied to find out what forms students mus submit to apply for aid CHECK DEADLINES! Learn about college loans togther.


Work on scholarship opportunities. Communicate with the Guidance Counselor for help in completing college applications/scholarships.


Finish the race! Don't let "senioritis" get the best of your sutudent!


  • Homecoming: Oct. 11

  • Senior Night: Nov. 1

  • FAFSA:  October 1st - June 30th 

  • Order Cap/Gown/Invitations

  • Gather pictures for Senior Ad


Your senior should have narrowed their college search down by now. Get your pictures together for your Senior Ad. Gather up to 12.


Collect letters of recommendation from administration and members in the community. Research how many colleges require.


Retake the SAT/ACT for the best possible score. Start applying to colleges and scholarships. Communicate with the Guidance Counselor for help in completing and submitting college applications.


Go on college visits. Students are allowed up to 3 college visits during their senior year.


Study hard to pull up your GPA at the end of first semester. Most colleges want a GPA/transcript when you apply, but you can resend when you graduate.


  • Prom: Mar 28

  • Gather memorabilia, pictures, achievements for senior table.

  • Baccalaureate May 18

  • Awards Day May 22

  • Graduation May 22


Help your child process college responses. Once your child starts hearing back from colleges, he or she will need your support and advice about what to do.


Discuss financial aid packages together. 


Start your graduation invitation list. Seniors each get a table that is decorated in the cafeteria on graduation day. Start gathering memorabilia, photos, and achievements to decorate with.


Notify the college you choose of your plans to attend. Send necessary deposits and financial aid agreements. 


Administration will send an official transcript to the college you will be attending.

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