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The Alumni Association aims to connect all alumni of Holly Hill Academy that are near, far, and everywhere in between.



The HHA Booster Club held an Alumni Basketball game and we had excellent involvement and turnout. Thank you again to those of you who participated!   


Plans were underway for another alumni sporting event in April 2020 before the COVID shutdown. We plan to have another Alumni event so be on the lookout for more information.


In order to build on the success of our most recent alumni event, this Association has been formed to support the mission of our school, preserve our tradition and history, and promote allegiance, support, and fidelity among all HHA graduates.  


Our main goals are to maintain the vision of our founders, promote unity and networking among alumni, continue active involvement of all alumni as a support organization for HHA, and provide financial assistance for the improvement of our school facilities and offerings to current and future students. 


We want to have participation from as many alumni as possible; therefore, we are not establishing Alumni Association fees at this time, but encourage your donation to the Holly Hill Academy Alumni, Friends, and Family Annual Fund.  


Please feel free to let us know how you would like to help or what activities you would like to see in the future by emailing us at


Remember, as we look into the future, we still pledge our love and loyalty -- Holly Hill Academy.


Meredith Prescott

Alumni President

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